Dom's Story

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When Dominic was eleven years old, he was involved in a life-threatening traffic accident. With the care of the Chicago area's best medical professionals, his life was saved. He came away from the accident with various bodily cuts and wounds. Two toes on his right foot had to be amputated, in addition to his left leg, below the knee. After the miraculous surgeries and the resilience of a youthful body, Dom quickly recovered. Following his recovery, his prosthetists fitted him with a lot of wrong equipment, which would often break and limit his physical capabilities. Up until now, Dom has not been able to enjoy sports and other physical activities. He states, "Being able to walk is an absolute blessing, considering my injuries, but I would love to have the ability to run and jump, too." He maintains his physical fitness but would like to enhance his lifestyle by playing sports and running. With his current prosthesis, he is unable to do so. After trying a running blade at the Leviate event in Jacksonville, FL, Dom's mother commented that she had not seen him smile like that since his accident. Since then, Steps4Love has been dedicated to raising the money to purchase a blade for Dom. We are so excited to put that smile back on his face permanently!